
Ocean Diaries: Sailing On A Home Away From Home

Meet travel couple Vaidehi and Gaurav, who have quit their high-paying jobs to live on a vessel permanently and explore the world

Vaidehi and Gaurav on their vessel 'Reeva' Photo: the_reeva_project/Instagram

As a traveller in the making, I have always found it challenging to understand the concept of a "leap of faith" when it comes to charting new territories. So many people have told me how journeying across different corners of the world ushered them with an enlightening perspective on life. Yet, I am not convinced to tread an unfamiliar path without having a backup plan. But Vaidehi Chitnavis of "the_reeva_project" has left a lasting impression on me with her comforting words about life and its journey.

"It’s just one step, one mile, one day at a time. We tend to worry too much about the 'what ifs' when we should be focusing on 'why not'."

This resolve led Chitnavis, her husband, Captain Gaurav Gautam and her daughter, Kaeya Riva Gautam, to start their life as full-time sailors. "Most of us build a home and collect things as if making a shrine for us to deteriorate and die in. We decided to fill our life with experiences on our sailboat Reeva, our new home," she told OT.